Contributing ************ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ============ Installation ============ -------------- Clone the repo -------------- .. code-block:: bash git clone ---------------------- Run the install script ---------------------- .. code-block:: bash cd Privox ./producer/ This will install the TTS and STT packages and create the necessary directory structure which is basically a subdirectory named 'logs' to stick the log file output in. It will also test each STT model and TTS voice. This is to preload the models so they are already loaded once you begin producing. You will only do this once. Depending on your system it could take close to 15 minutes to complete. .. _my-section: ========= Producing ========= ---------- Foreground ---------- Running a temporary producer node in the foreground is a great way to contribute immediately. .. code-block:: bash source venv_producer/bin/activate python MY_API_KEY Congratulations! you are now contributing valuable resource to the voice exchange network. To verify this you can look at the `about page`_ on the website and you should see the number of available STT nodes increase by one. Your fellow consumers appreciate it. Press Ctl+C at any time to stop the program. .. _about page: You can also specify the producer farm you want to connect to on the command line. By deault pfAlpha is the first farm tried but you can override this behavior. .. code-block:: bash python MY_API_KEY pfbeta Or you can specify your own producer farm. .. code-block:: bash python MY_API_KEY MY_PRODUCER_FARM_URI ---------- Background ---------- If you have an old desktop or laptop laying around doing nothing you can always run a couple of producer nodes in the background. They consume very little in network badwidth and are a great way to help the backend infrastructure distribute the traffic. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash # Usage # ./ API_KEY source venv_producer/bin/activate nohup python -u $1 pfalpha > logs/stt.out 2>&1 & nohup python -u $1 pfbeta > logs/stt.out 2>&1 & nohup python -u $1 pfalpha > logs/tts.out 2>&1 & nohup python -u $1 pfbeta > logs/tts.out 2>&1 & ------ Laptop ------ Laptops tend to shutdown when you close the lid, even if you leave them plugged in. To overcome this should you want to leave your laptop producing while you are away simply disable your laptop suspend behavior as described in the following articles ... `Ask Ubuntu, Laptop Lid `_